It’s Just Benign: Connecting Benign Brain Tumor Survivors Everywhere
How You Can Help
There are several programs available so that you can help It’s Just Benign. They are:
1. Sponsorship Program- Web page sponsorship is very similar to advertising your business on ItsJustBenign.org. The sponsor program is tax deductible.
2. Advertising Program- The Advertising program is advertising your business on ItsJustBenign.org. There are a number of sizes and locations for the banner ads. It is NOT tax-deducible.
3. Social Media- You can also advertise through It’s Just Benign’s social media outlets, including IJB’s FaceBook page and group and Twitter feed.
4. Fundraising Program- We have a number of creative ideas listed about how you can help It’s Just Benign raise funds. Let us know about your idea and we’ll add it to our list! Read more about it on the Fundraising tab.
Download the “Become_a_Supporter.doc” for more information.
We are also always looking for volunteers at events and for members to give brochures to physicians, businesses, etc. Contact us at [email protected] if interested in helping It’s Just Benign!
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